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Feng Shui wedding: “ Choosing the dress”

They’s all about the dress!

According to feng shui, a color representing the element earth, such as very light beige or a cream color, would attract good luck and therefore would be ideal for your dress. Besides this, feng shui also recommends to wear or carry something red. Red is the color of happiness, and you would be attracting it by wearing at least one small detail in that color. Another great option is to wear a Yin & Yang dress for positive energy and  a strong balanced relationship.

Your fabric choices are also important.

The couple and their bridal party should wear a combination of heavy and light fabrics to add balance and good energy to their attire. Heavily textured fabrics, such as brocade, satin, and shantung,- describe a quiet energy -- considered the yin. Light fabrics, such as organza, tulle, and chiffon, are louder and more excitable materials -- those are the yang. 

Here are some examples:

The Earth Dress  for good luck

The Red accent dress for happiness 

The Yin and Yang dress for balanced relationship

Manoblue Design will help you organize your dream Feng shui wedding. Manoblue Design also does group presentations on Feng Shui weddings. More information on  or email to book a Feng Shui wedding consultation.